
The Entourage Effect: What You Need to Know

If your wellness is important to you then you should always be on the lookout for products that provide positive benefits. If you have not tried using CBD yet then this is the perfect time to get in on the bandwagon. There are many CBD products available on the market. You can buy CBD oil, CBD capsules, and CBD balm. And it seems that there is a CBD oil shop now at every corner. Before you buy a CBD product, it would be wise to read a CBD oil UK review first.  Many of the CBD products that you can buy nowadays contain only a single compound of CBD. You will be amazed to know that the hemp plant contains hundreds of CBD compounds. When these compounds work together, they provide what is known as the entourage effect.

What is the entourage effect? You probably know that the word entourage refers to a group of people.  You can think of the different compounds of hemp as individuals, each with their own talents and skills. Alone, they can already provide plenty of benefits. But if you combine them, then you are also combining their benefits. Plus, these compounds tend to enhance each other. So the benefits do not only get multiplied, but they also get amplified. You cannot get the entourage effect from just any CBD product. You need to get a product such as LoveCBD Entourage Oil. LoveCBD contains different cannabinoids plus other ingredients.

LoveCBD also contains flavonoids. These are antioxidants that are good for the body. Another important ingredient found in LoveCBD is terpenes. These are compounds that provide the famous cannabis aroma. Terpenes are also found in the skin of citrus fruits. The best thing about terpenes is that they enhance the effects of cannabinoids. Plus, they also come with their own benefits.

To learn more about the different CBD products and their uses, check the infographic below from LoveCBD.

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