
Incubation Period and Symptoms of COVID-19

In December 2019, a new kind of respiratory illness called SARS-CoV-2 popped up in Wuhan. It spread like wild-fire all across the world. COVID-19’s incubation period differs from one person to another.

What’s an incubation period?

It is the time between when a virus gets contracted and the moment your symptoms start. According to the CDC, the incubation period for COVID-19 is between 2 days to 2 weeks, after exposure.

A current report states that more than 97% of COVID-19 positive patients showed symptoms within 12 days of exposure. An average incubation period is believed to be around five days. This is a rough estimate that can change as more information related to the virus is made known.

How coronavirus gets transmitted?

COVID-19 spreads majorly from close contact or respiratory droplets scattered when an infected person sneezes or coughs. It is extremely contagious and spreads fast. People showing symptoms are the most contagious. Therefore, CDC recommends people maintain social distancing, wash hands regularly, and wear a protective mask. You can buy large quantity protective masks from online sources like

The possibility that someone with COVID-19 infection who is unaware of it [as there are no symptoms experienced] may possibly spread it. It is sensible to wear masks at any cost. The virus can even get transmitted through touching surfaces that are contaminated with droplet gunk. The person then touches their nose or mouth or eyes, which activates the virus.

How to keep yourself safe in this pandemic situation?

The best prevention strategy is to stay home and be safe.

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer thoroughly for 20 to 60 seconds
  • Wear gloves, so you are always aware not to touch your face.
  • Avoid touching your face and nose.
  • Never share personal items like lip balms, drinking glass, toothbrushes, etc.
  • Disinfect high-touch surfaces like stair rails, keyboards, remote control, etc.
  • Wear masks when you leave the house.
  • If you detect respiratory issues and experience consistent symptoms associated with COVID-19 call your doctor.

Common symptoms of COVID-19 are –

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath

Less common symptoms are –

  • Nasal congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle pain
  • Chills
  • Headache
  • Loss of taste or smell

The symptoms of flu are similar to coronavirus, but the latter causes shortness of breath. With cold, fever is not very common. The majority of patients recover without special medical treatment but there are a few that become extremely ill after coronavirus infection. Older and extremely ill people with a compromised immune system are at high risk of developing complications.

Call your doctor if you detect some relevant respiratory symptoms. Your doctor will tell you to self-quarantine at home if the symptoms are mild. If symptoms get worst, it is necessary to call for emergency medical care.

SARS-CoV-2 is a new coronavirus, which is anticipated to be sourced from an open animal market. The kind of animal that sources the virus is still unknown. However, it is wise to follow preventive guidelines and stay protected.

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