How do you keep yourself safe from the new coronavirus?
Coronavirus – for the past decade, the name has been known more and more, lingering from mouth to mouth within the context of multiple conversations. From SARS to MERS CoV and now, it is time for Covid-19 to take the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. The respiratory virus is now causing a worldwide pandemic, killing hundreds of thousands of people while infecting millions. To keep yourself safe from the need of pcr test near me, like promoted by various organizations, there are ways that can be followed.
First of all, in keeping yourself away from Covid-19 infection, or any infection, self-hygiene is a big part of the precaution and prevention. This includes washing hands after touching objects that are usually handled by other random hands. Even though it is recommended to wash hands using water and soap, the use of hand sanitizer is also a good measure since we all know washrooms are not available everywhere. It is safe to say that to keep you and your family safe, always wash your hands after you were out in the public since the virus is known to be able to survive for quite some time on surfaces and you can never be sure what you might have touched.
If you are in search of a much simpler method than hand washing, just try to avoid touching random stuff, or people in general. Germaphobes can relate to this. Some people, in light of the current pandemic, are even starting to consider shaking hands as a thing of the past. When you put your hand forward to initiate a handshake nowadays, eyes would be staring and you would be left hanging. So save your face and your health by changing to touchless greetings and other gestures such as bowing or by placing one hand on your chest. These gestures are definitely more comfortable and safe for everyone involved.
Some people are taking ways that are not so subtle such as wearing gloves while they are doing groceries, for example. However, these disposable gloves, unless they are used and disposed of properly after, are not only not as effective as hand washing, but may still spread the unseen virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There are moments where gloves are needed, for example when cleaning or caring for someone who is sick, but most of the time, all you need is a good habit of washing your hands.
One more practice that we often see in the time of Covid-19, indoors or outdoors, is the use of face masks. Some stores are even willing to turn away potential customers if they come without a face mask. In some countries like Japan and Korea, it is considered a norm to wear this protective piece of cloth when you are sick but still need to run some errands in public spaces. This is, of course, to prevent the spread of diseases which are transmitted through droplets, like by sneezing and coughing. It is also a courtesy to practise proper etiquette when you cough or sneeze.
If you have been to stores, the ATMs, or any services that require someone to stand in a queue, you have probably noticed all the lines on the floor, or maybe signs instructing the public to keep their distance from each other. As people are starting to accept social distancing as the way of the present, people are also steering away from crowded places, as they should. While the numbers are decreasing in some parts of the world, the current crisis is still far from over. Following the safety measures to lower Covid-19 infection risk is a good idea, for now, and maybe for a long time coming.