Alcohol Addiction Signs and Symptoms
Alcoholism is an alcohol addiction where the person is unable to control or stop their drinking. United Recovery Project lead in the provision of recovery services for victims of alcoholism; they also provide information and education to facilitate recovery. Alcoholism starts when a nonalcoholic person takes a drink and likes what it makes them feel. At this stage, the person’s life is unaffected and continue living as usual. However, they start craving for the feeling which they get from the use of alcohol, leading to a drinking habit and alcoholism. People start drinking for several reasons which include family problems, stress, worries or money. When the cause comes repeatedly, they drink repeatedly and develop alcoholism at which point they require alcohol addiction treatment.
Signs and Symptoms of Alcoholism
Alcoholics embrace denial where they either act like they are not drinking; they may hide alcohol or act like they are sober even during obvious occasions. Alcoholics may spend long periods without contacting their loved ones. Alcoholics are more likely to have encounters with the police or taken to the hospital for drunkenness. Alcoholics develop an increased craving for more alcohol and at quicker frequencies. They may also engage in improper drinking, disregarding moral and legal guidelines. Increased tolerance and appearing not to have hangovers. Lastly, alcoholics may experience night sweats.
Effects of Alcoholism on Health
Alcoholism has negative and adverse effects on the health of the user. Alcoholic people are more likely to develop immune issues; they can be affected by small infections more than non-alcoholics. Alcoholics are more likely to suffer from a stroke. Alcoholism increases the chances of suffering from cancer. Children born of alcoholic mothers are likely to have birth defects. Victims of alcoholism may develop high blood pressure at higher rates than a nonalcoholic would. Men can develop erectile dysfunctions while both genders may develop other sexual challenges. Alcoholics are more likely to develop stomach ulcers. Lastly, alcoholics can easily develop liver and kidney and liver problems.
Alcoholic Dementia
Lack of Alcohol Addiction treatment can lead to Alcoholic Dementia which is the damage done to the brain after long periods of drinking if Alcoholics who develop this damage are more likely to make impaired judgements and have impaired reasoning. The people may develop loss of attention span, where they can only concentrate for a short period. The people may also develop socially inappropriate behaviour and inability to control their emotions.