Are you and your partner struggling with infertility?
Are you and your partner struggling with infertility? Do not worry, you are not alone. Up to 15% of couples in reproductive age have infertility worldwide.
According to the World Health Organization, an estimate of the overall prevalence of primary infertility in India is stated between 3.9 to 16.8%.
Infertility is a condition in which one is not able to conceive a child even after a year of having sex without protection. Infertility may result from an issue either with you or your partner but fortunately there are many safe and effective ways to improve your chances to conceive. If you are looking for options for “Fertility Advisor Jaipur” our platform is an all-in-one platform for doctors where we can help you connect to many in a matter of seconds!
The major symptom of infertility is difficulty in becoming pregnant but it could also occur during the phase of it. There might be no other obvious factors but it is better to get an ultrasound done or take the help of a Pregnancy Calculator to cancel out any doubts. Women who are infertile may experience irregular or nonexistent menstrual cycles. Infertile men may exhibit indications of hormonal abnormalities, such as changes in hair growth or sex habits.
Without or with therapy, most couples will eventually become pregnant but for those couples who are not able to conceive without therapy, icareheal provides the safest and most effective treatments, it acts as an all-in-one platform for all doctors which makes it easier for people to find the perfect one for them
The appropriate time and condition to see your Healthcare professional is if :
- The age of your partner is 35 or older and have been trying to conceive for more than 6 months.
- If either of you have been diagnosed with any pelvic inflammatory diseases.
- Have undergone any intense treatment or
- Have multiple miscarriages
The reason behind infertility is not only women, there are high chances men can be also the reason for the infertility.
Men with low sperm count
A history with any disease including his reproductive parts.
Swelling of private parts
A lot of steps in both women and men’s bodies are involved during conceiving a child which needs to go smoothly and correctly. If there are any problems in those steps it can lead to infertility. One way to check the progress of your pregnancy and the health of your child is through a pregnancy calculator, while it may not be a way of curing infertility, it does help in the prevention of it.
The causes of infertility in men:
1.Abnormal sperm function or production brought on by undescended testicles, genetic flaws, medical conditions like diabetes, or infectious diseases like chlamydia, gonorrhea, the measles, or HIV. Other signs that may lower the sperm quality are varicocele or enlarged veins in the testes.
- Some sexual issues, as observed early ejaculation, certain hereditary illnesses, such cystic fibrosis, structural issues, including a blockage in the testicle, damage or injury to the reproductive organs, or issues with sperm distribution.
3.Overexposure to radiation and other environmental toxins, such as pesticides and other poisons. Fertility, in most cases, is also impacted by smoking,consumption of alcohol, smoking marijuana, anabolic steroids, and prescription drugs for depression, high blood pressure, and bacterial infections.
Causes of infertility in women:
Some conditions included in ovulation disorders are endocrine conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The hormone responsible for the increase in the production of breast milk, prolactin, which is present in excess amounts in the condition known as hyperprolactinemia, may also prevent ovulation.
Menstrual cycle disruption or infertility can result from either too much (hyperthyroidism) or not enough (hypothyroidism) thyroid hormone. Overexercising, eating problems, or malignancies are examples of additional underlying reasons.
anomalies of the uterus or the cervix, such as polyps in the uterus or variations in the uterus’ form. Uterine fibroids, which are benign (noncancerous) tumors of the uterine wall, can prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus or block the fallopian tubes, both of which can result in infertility.
The other reasons also include consumption of alcohol, smoking cigarettes or consuming other drugs.
The risk factors in both men and women are the same.
Age- women’s fertility gradually declines with age making it difficult to conceive after the age of 36. Number and quality of eggs declines with age and the same goes for men, after the age of 40 fertility and number of sperms released declines gradually making it difficult to conceive.
Tobacco use- consumption of tobacco products or marijuana by either partners can reduce the chances of pregnancy. It increases the risk of erectile dysfunction and low sperm count.
Alcohol use- According to the data consumption of alcohol is the leading reason for infertility amongst American women.
Weight- being underweight or following an unhealthy diet can majorly affect the ovulation and fertility in women.
The simple steps both partners need to follow in order to prevent infertility are:
Limiting consumption of caffeine
Quit smoking, drinking and consumption of other drugs
Have a healthy lifestyle.
Exercise and try to reduce stress.
Fertility care was initially founded by Dr. Renu Sharma. She has been a specialist in counseling Infertile couples for a decade now. Fertility Care provides fertility-related services to anxious, scared, and fearful infertile couples who don’t know what to do or what not to do. Every infertile couple asks essentially the same question: how will IVF work, how will we manage our lifestyle, and how can we increase our fertility? At Fertility Care, Dr. Renu Sharma, an elite and experienced fertility counselor, helps every couple get pregnant and will accompany them on their journey through infertility. The goal of Fertility Care is to offer cutting-edge assessments and continuing care to couples dealing with psychiatric and fertility disorders in order to enhance their fertility trajectory. Also, one of the important steps after IVF is to keep a check of the stages of your pregnancy, which in most cases is done by the Pregnancy Calculator. Transfer IVF happens to be a method included in this process. It helps in the calculation of your estimated due date and also confirms the pregnancy!
Sometimes, a factor unrelated to infertility might make a couple’s lives more frustrating and depressing. Therefore, choosing a fertility treatment method that gives you assurance is crucial.
There are numerous ways to assist you in your fertility journey depending upon your conditions.
The few approaches one takes in IVF are:
Assisted Reproduction Techniques
Natural Cycle IVF
Assisted Hatching
Male Fertility Treatment (ICSI)
Blastocyst Transfer
Surgical Sperm Retrieval
Fertility Preservation
Third Party Reproduction
We at icareheal provide the best healthcare services and act as an “all in one platform for doctors “ out there. Providing you with the best treatment options depending on your test result. We manage your appointments, planning your treatment process. Icareheal makes the whole process which can be exhausting and confusing very easier and manageable for our patients
We are committed to offering the best and ethical treatment for fertility and assisted reproduction. Icareheal provides you the safest and most effective platform for your treatment. Giving patients the best healthcare services and privacy and care that they deserve. With numerous features of our doctors app and platform, you can get your Healthcare seamlessly.
Icarehealth makes it easier and efficient to book your consultation appointments, providing patients the ease of appointment booking with our online calendar.
With our all-in-one app we strive to create a space of constant touch between our doctors and patients to provide better quality healthcare. Icareheal makes it easier to book your appointments, virtual consultations and safe and secure payment management system.
Sometimes, a factor unrelated to infertility might make a couple’s lives more frustrating and depressing. Therefore, choosing a fertility treatment method that gives you assurance is crucial.
There are numerous ways to assist you in your fertility journey depending upon your conditions.
The few approaches one takes in IVF are:
- Assisted Reproduction Techniques
- Natural Cycle IVF
- Assisted Hatching
- Male Fertility Treatment (ICSI)
- Blastocyst Transfer
- Surgical Sperm Retrieval
- Fertility Preservation
- Third Party Reproduction
We at icareheal provide the best healthcare services and work with the best doctors out there. Providing you with the best treatment options depending on your test result. We manage your appointments, planning your treatment process. Icareheal makes the whole process which can be exhausting and confusing very easier and manageable for our patients.
We at icareheal are committed to offering the best and ethical treatment for fertility and assisted reproduction.
Icareheal provides you the safest and most effective platform for your treatment. Giving patients the best healthcare services and privacy and care that they deserve. With numerous features of our doctors app and platform, you can get your Healthcare seamlessly. Icarehealth makes it easier and efficient to book your consultation appointments, providing patients the ease of appointment booking with our online calendar.
With our all-in-one app we strive to create a space of constant touch between our doctors and patients to provide better quality healthcare. Icareheal makes it easier to book your appointments, virtual consultations and safe and secure payment management system.