Can I Get Pregnant Post-Gastric Sleeve Surgery Period?
Several women think whether weight loss surgery will impact their capability to give birth. The condition of being overweight has many risks associated with pregnancy. Obesity can negatively affect fertility and make it tougher for a female to have children. In case a woman is looking to be pregnant, the medical practitioners will generally recommend her to maintain a healthy weight. It would be beneficial for her and her child, too.
Sleeve Gastrectomy Procedure
Losing excess weight is not everyone’s cup of tea. That’s why; weight loss procedures are becoming very popular worldwide. Sleeve gastrectomy is one of the major bariatric surgeries. It is a restrictive surgery, which means that it restricts the capacity of the stomach. Therefore, the patient consumes less food and feels fuller too fast.
This type of bariatric surgery is quite different from malabsorptive surgeries. After the gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana, the body tends to soak up fewer calories and nutrients from the diet. During the surgery, the bariatric surgeon takes out a big portion of the tummy permanently. The leftover part is the shape and size of a sleeve or banana. Since the new tummy can hold only a minimal amount of food, the patient usually eats less and reduces some pounds. Weight reduction can be quicker with good nutrition, and patients can sustain their affirmative outcomes for the long term.
What Do The Professionals Advice After The Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
The medical professionals recommend avoiding pregnancy after bariatric surgery for the initial 12 months. Pregnancy taking place in a little while following the procedure can seriously affect both the mother and the child. After 12 months, your hazards during pregnancy go down to considerably less than when you were seriously overweight.
In case you need C-section at the time of delivery, the surgical risks are considerably less as soon as you reduce weight.
A great benefit of sleeve gastrectomy is that you normally continue to soak up nutrients. Therefore, your possibility of vitamin deficiency is much less when compared with bypass surgery. While every aspect is considered, after you have your “sleeve,” and you have time to maintain a healthy weight, your fertility raises, and pregnancy turns out to be much safer for both the child and mother.
Check with a qualified and licensed practitioner in your area to get more info on the effects of gastric sleeve surgery.